Pelatihan Kompetensi Akuntansi Dengan Penerapan Mind Your Own Bussiness Application di SMK Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung

Suripto Suripto, Eri Maryani, Putri Irmala Sari


The target audience for this service is students in SMKs, and more specifically SMKN 9 Bandar Lampung, who would benefit from learning how to use the MYOB accounting software. Specifically, the issue is how to instruct students in the use of reports and financial records utilising the Mind Your Own Business framework. The long-term objective of this endeavour is intricately linked to the issue of applying the Mind Your Own Business application method, which provides students, teachers, and secretaries with a vast field of possibility and influences the enhancement of their performance, particularly in the engagement of financial reports for trading and service companies. Training and refining one's training in the MYOB accounting application are the first steps towards becoming an expert in the use of that programme. This event resulted to the publication of a research article in the "Dharma Pengabdian Journal" by Yogyakarta "Veteran" National Development University, as well as recordings documenting the event and profiles of its participants at the Lampung University Service Seminar. Methodology includes engaging discussions, lectures, and MYOB accounting software-based tasks. To better and aid in the record keeping of a company's financial transactions, MYOB accounting programme training was provided to students at SMK, most specifically SMKN 9 Bandar Lampung.


Mind Your Own Bussiness Application, SMKN 9

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