Influence of Profitability, Financial Structure, and Liquidity on Firm Value in the Food and Beverages Sector 2016-2021 Period

Fathureza Muhammad Haqi, Hasa Nurrohim Kurniawan Putra


This study aims to investigate the influence of profitability, financial structure, and liquidity on firm value. It employs quantitative research methodology, analyzing numerical data through statistical analysis. Non-probability sampling technique, specifically saturation sampling, is utilized to gather data from 26 food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2016 to 2021. Data analysis involves multiple linear regression and descriptive analysis. The result reveal that collectively, profitability, financial structure, and liquidity positively impact firm value. Additionally, individually, profitability, financial structure, and liquidity each exhibit a positive influence on firm value.

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