The Influence of Content Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Social Media, and Co Branding to Purchase Decision Erigo X JKT48

Adinda Azzahra, Sri Budiwati Wahyu Suprapti


This study aims to determine the influence of content marketing, influencer marketing, social media, and co-branding on consumer Erigo X JKT48 purchasing decisions. This study was conducted using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. This study uses a purposive sampling method, using 110 respondents who were Erigo X JKT 48 consumers. The criteria for respondents in this study were that they had ever purchased an Erigo product, knew the marketing content displayed on Erigo and JKT 48's social media accounts, had an interest in the idol group JKT 48, and purchased because Erigo collaborates with JKT 48. The data analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression. The research results show that: 1). content marketing, influencer marketing, social media, and co-branding together significantly influence purchasing decisions for Erigo X JKT 48. 2). Content marketing positively influences purchasing decisions; 3). Influencer Marketing has a positive influence on purchasing decisions, 4). Social Media has a positive influence on purchasing decisions, 5). Co-branding has a positive influence on purchasing decisions.

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