Pur Dwi Asmoro, Arief Subyantoro, Winarno Winarno


This study aims to examine the effect of spiritual motivation and organizational commitment on performance mediated by job satisfaction for the Amalkasih Blood Mulia sisters who work at the Palang Biru Gombong and Kutoarjo Hospitals. Total population is 34 people. The research time is November 2020-January 2021. SPSS was applied to analyze the data. Data collection techniques in this study using a questionnaire method. The analytical tool used is path analysis. Based on the analysis that has been done, the results obtained are that spiritual motivation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of the nuns. Organizational commitment has a significant effect on the performance of nuns. There is a positive influence of spiritual motivation mediated by job satisfaction on performance. And there is a positive effect of the positive influence of organizational commitment mediated by job satisfaction on performance.


Keywords: spiritual motivation, organizational commitment, performance, job satisfaction


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