Measuring the Company's Financial Performance from Working Capital, Liquidity, and Solvency

Yunus Harjito, Sapna Eka Anggrahini, Faiz Rahman Siddiq


This study aims to analyze the effect of Working Capital Efficiency, Liquidity and Solvency on the Company's Financial Performance. To find out the extent to which a company has implemented using the rules of financial implementation properly and correctly, it can use financial performance instruments. The population of this study is a cosmetic company listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for the period 2015-2022. The sample of this study amounted to 48 samples obtained from 6 companies for 8 years with purposive sampling method. The analysis technique used focuses on multiple regression analysis using the SPSS application. The results showed that Working Capital Efficiency proved to have a significant negative effect on the Company's Financial Performance, while Liquidity and Solvency were not proven to have an influence on Financial Performance

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