Papan Partisi dari Buangan Limbah Padat Industri Onggok Sebagai Sarana Peredam Suara

Martha Madelein Warong, Sri Wahyuni Santi R.


Onggok/palm flour is industrial agro-solid waste in the form of dreg of palm obtained from processing Cassava into tapioca through crushing and screening process. So far, waste of utilization onggok in Indonesia has only reached the livestock and agricultural sectors (such as dreg of palm-fertilizer), as well as the handicraft industry. Testing of partition boards from onggok and molasses as its adhesives is tested for acoustic absorption coefficient on frequency using impedance tubes, variations in temperature of 150°C and 180°C, in 10 minutes and 15 minutes. The results obtained is the absorption value tend to rise at the  frequency of 1000-2500 Hz.


acoustic absorption, coefficient off, partition board, onggok


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