Preparasi Radiofarmaka 99mTc-Etambutol Untuk Deteksi Tuberkulosis

Anna R., Witarti Witarti, Mujinah Mujinah, Jakaria Jakaria, Dede K., Widyastuti W.


Preparation Of 99mTc- ETAMBUTOL Radiopharmaceutical For Detection Of Tuberculosis. Radiopharmaceutical is a radioactive compound used for health services in nuclear medicine. Most of radiopharmaceutical was used for diagnosis of various abnormalities of organs, such as for the detection of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis and can attack various organs of the body, which can lead to death. By using nuclear technology Batan has been developing ethambutol radiopharmaceutical labeled with 99mTc for detection of extra lung tuberculosis with results more sensitive and accurate that are not easily detected by methods and equipment used today and the aims to fulfil radiopharmaceuticals for hospital because there is no availability of ethambutol kits on the market. The etambutol kit produced by dry lyophilized method in sterile room, therefore has to fulfil requirements as a radiopharmaceutical. The Quality Control was performed by using several parameters including sterility , endotoxin and radiochemical purity. The results of quality control showed that Etambutol was sterile, endotoksin requirments and radiochemical purity on average >85 %. Result of clinical test from hospital showed that the image was very clear and contrast , 99mTc-ethambutol was uptake with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and accumulated in organs infected of TB.


Radiopharmaceuticals, Etambutol kit, Technetium-99m, Detection, Tuberculosis


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