Pembuatan Bahan Pengemas Alami dari Serat Nanas dan Serat Pandan dengan Pati Sagu sebagai Perekat

Berman Ifolala Harefa, Muhammad Masyum Gilang Permana, Adi Ilcham


The polymer such as styrofoam is a populer material for packaging. However, nowadays, the environmental issues of the polymer espescially styrofoam are very worrying..  Therefore it is need an alternative material for substitution the styrofoam. An idea to obtain another type for packaging is fabricating an alternative material using natural fibre as named natural packaging materials (BPA, bahan pengemas alami).  In this paper, it will be discussed the fabricating of material for substitution styrofoam. The fiber used in this study comes from pineapple and pandanus leaves which are easily available. The leaves supplied from Subang, West Java and Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. In the experiment, firstly fibers were mixed with starch then printed in certain size. Furthermore, BPA was tested for its properties based on tensile and compressive strength. In this study the effect of mixing materials on tensile and compressive strength of BPA was examined. The results show that the tensile and compressive strength of BPA with pineaple fibre based are higher than BPA with pandanus fiber based. The tensile and compressive strength are higher than 24,7 N/mm2 and 1,59 N/mm2 respectively, higher than the requirement of National Standard (SNI) for styrofoam.


fibre, packaging, pandanus, pineaple, styrofoam


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