Optimasi Proses Ekstraksi Pektin Dami Buah Nangka

Genta Adinda Yustisia, Siti Muftiyatus Sarifah, Purwo Subagyo


Jackfruit rind is composed of thatch and thorns are usually only thrown into waste. While in the rind a content of pectin around 8%. Where pectin in the industrial world has many benefits, such as additional ingredients for making jelly. In this study extraction of pectin with jackfruit thorns. Thatch dried and mashed, 30 grams of thatch was extracted in a three neck flask with 300 ml HCl solvent. Extraction was carried out by varying solvent concentrations (0.01; 0.02; 0.04; 0.06; 0.08 and 0.1 N), and extraction time (30; 60; 90; 120; 150 and 180 minutes). The extract was filtered, then 96% ethanol was added and allowed to stand for one night to form a precipitate. The precipitate was washed with ethanol to neutral pH, and dried in an oven to a constant weight as dried pectin, then analyzed. Optimal operating conditions are achieved at an extraction temperature of 80 °C, a solvent concentration of 0.06 N,  with an extraction time of 90 minutes. The pectin taken was 11.6933% with a moisture content of 7.02%.. The analysis of pectin produced has an equivalent weight of 1470.5882; methoxyl content of 30.008%; galactonic acid levels 182.336% 


jackfruit rind, extraction, pectin


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