Pengaruh Ukuran Zeolit Teraktivasi terhadap Salinitas Air Payau di Desa Kemudi dengan Metode Adsorpsi

Fiska Yohana Purwaningtyas, Zainal Mustakim, Mega Tri Umaminingrum, Muhammad Abdul Ghofar


Water in the Kemudi Village was categorized as brackish water, so fresh water was difficult to obtain in this village. Salinity of water in the village of Kemudi reached 30.11 g / L. This high salinity caused residents to have buying clean water from other villages for their daily needs. One way to convert brackish water into fresh water was by the adsorption method. This study examined brackish water desalination using an adsorption method with activated zeolite adsorbents. Zeolite could reduce water salinity in the Kemudi village in accordance with clean water quality standards. This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of zeolite size and room temperature on water salinity. The sizes used were 841 microns (20 mesh), 250 microns (60 mesh), and 149 microns (100 mesh). Water in the Kemudi Village had Cl- content of 9,128.38 mg/L. Activated zeolite could reduce Cl- levels better than non-activated zeolite. The size of zeolite influenced the levels of Cl- absorbed. For the size of 20 mesh the Cl- level dropped to 8082.60 mg/L, for the size of 60 mesh was 8188.95 mg/L, and for the size of 100 mesh was 8255.31 mg/L.


adsorption, zeolite, salinity, brackish water


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