Ekstraksi Kopi Robusta Menggunakan Pelarut Heksana dan Etanol

Rudi Firyanto, MF Sri Mulyaningsih


This study aims to determine the optimum conditions that can be used in the process of extracting coffee oil by extracting Robusta coffee using hexane and ethanol solvents, knowing the effect of the amount of solvent and extraction time on the amount of coffee oil produced and producing coffee oil that has a density, refractive index and acid numbers in accordance with the standard requirements for coffee oil quality. The research method used is the response surface method (RSM), using a central composite design with two independent variables namely the extraction time (x1) and the amount of solvent volume (x2). The results showed that the optimum point was obtained with an extraction time of 3 hours and the amount of hexane solvent 600 ml.


coffee oil, extraction, quality standard


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