Kajian Kehilangan Tekanan dan Temperatur pada Fluida Dua Fasa Lapangan Panas Bumi Dieng

Eko Widi Pramudiohadi, M. Th. Kristiati EA


The Dieng Geothermal Field is one of the geothermal fields in Indonesia which is managed by P.T GEODIPA ENERGI, with a power generated by 60 Mwe. The researcher tried to calculate the  pressure loss obtained from the Begg and Brill equations and the temperature loss from the law of energy conservation equations, by using two-dimensional mathematical manipulation from Newton Rapson, obtained a simultaneous decrease in pressure and temperature from a particular pipe segment. At Dieng Field, two-phase pipes use 18 – 24” diameters, all pipes are coated with 7.5 cm thick polyurethene insulation, pressure drops range from 1.78 to 8.2 barg and temperature drops between 0 – 1 ºC. The distance of the separator to the turbine varies from the farthest distance is 9677 m until the closest distance is 5341 m, with the smallest diameter of 0.6096 m and the largest diameter of 0.9144 m, the thickness of the steam pipe insulation is 7.5 cm with the type of carbonate. At turbine inlet, the pressure drop that occurs ranges from 2-2.20 barg and temperature drop between 9.87-10.87 ºC, steam mass of 88.86 kg with a turbine pressure of 9.8 barg and turbine inlet temperature of 177.126 ºC.


pressure loss, temperature loss, two-phase pipe, single-phase steam pipe


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Laporan harian operator produksi lapangan panas bumi dieng, PT. Geo Dipa Energi

www. geodipa.co.id.


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