Kajian Pembuatan Briket Bioarang dari Sampah Kiriman Pantai Teluk Penyu, Cilacap

Aldino Tri Nugroho, Tetuko Ari Wicaksono, Febri Kurniasih, Dodi Satriawan


Cilacap is one of the regencies in Central Java that has tourism potential in the form of “Teluk Penyu” Beach. The location of the beach which is close to Ocean causes this beach to have large sea waves that carries piles of garbage from the sea. This garbage is in the form of organic waste that always comes every day and continues to grow with time. The potential of this waste has resulted in the accumulation of waste on the coast and the need for a solution to overcome this problem. The solution given is processing waste into environmentally friendly bio-charcoal briquettes. Coastal waste is crushed first and then dried. Pyrolysis process is needed to increase the calorific value in waste with various temperatures (300, 400, and 500 0C) and operating times (1,5; 2,5; and 3,5 hours). After that, proceed with the pressing process with a cylinder size of 3 x 10 cm with the addition of tapioca flour for gluing. The quality of environmentally friendly fuel bio-charcoal briquettes is determined from water content, ash content, and heating value determined by SNI 01-6235-2000.


bio-charcoal briquette, waste of “Teluk Penyu” beach, organic waste


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