Study on Digging and Loading Equipment Requirement for the Reclamation Plan in the Coal Mining Area of PT. Timah in Paku Village, Payung District, South Bangka Regency, Province of Bangka Belitung Islands

Kristanto Jiwo Saputro, Sheny Linggasari, Oktarian Wisnu Lusantono


Reclamation activity is one of the activities carried out in mining planning. This reclamation activity needs to be well planned. One of the reclamation activities is land arrangement. This land arrangement activity can be carried out by backfilling in ex-mining holes. This back filling activity is carried out by PT. Timah in carrying out reclamations related to land management. Former mining pit at PT. Timah will be back-filled in 2026 or the third year in the life of the mine. The back filling that will be carried out starts from RL 10 to RL 59. RL 59 is the target because the altitude is the same as the surrounding conditions. To carry out back filling on the plan, a material volume of 2,623,400 m3 is required. The age of the mine is only until 2029, so with the material requirements divided by 4 years of reclamation, 655,850 m3 per year is obtained. The equipment used to meet annual needs is 1 Dozer Komatsu D85 A, 1 Excavator CAT 320 D, and 5 dump trucks Scania P410.

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