OPSI is an Industrial System Optimization Journal published by the Industrial Engineering Department of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta to publish scientific works or technological engineering research related to Industrial Engineering, Industrial Systems, Industrial Management and Information Technology.

OPSI ISSN 2686-2352 (online) and 1693-2102 (printed) are published regularly every 6 months (in June and December). OPSI provides readers with open access to download and read the contents of the journal. This journal fully supports the commitment to exchange information and knowledge with the public. All articles are open access, yet, readers are not allowed to change the article's contents without the permission of the publisher. OPSI Journal has been accredited SINTA 3 by The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RistekDikti), acknowledged on December 23rd, 2020. After two years, The quality improvement of the journal has brought the Opsi Journal to a new level of accreditation, that is SINTA 2, which starts in Volume 15 No. 1 of 2022





Jurnal OPSI Jurusan Teknik Industri UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Jurnal OPSI terbuka dan mengundang berbagai pihak dan para peneliti untuk mengirimkan naskah berkaitan dengan isu-isu sesuai dengan tema industrial engineering dan isu teknologi industri lainnya. Para pemakalah untuk menulis isu-isu yang terkait dengan berbagai perkembangan keilmuan teknik industry dalam mendukung industri secara umum, maupun industry migas. Diantara topik dan tema yang dapat dimasukkan dalam Jurnal OPSI adalah :

  1. Business and Management
  2. Knowledge Management
  3. Simulation, Artificial Intelligence & Modeling
  4. Human Resources
  5. HSE and Society
  6. Challenges and prospects of oil and gas industry
  7. Developing and harnessing oil and gas potentials
  8. Sustainable Exploitation and Utilization of oil and gas
  9. Institutional, policy, legal and regulation framework
  10. Technology issues (upstream, midstream and downstream)
  11. Capacity building
  12. Environmental and safety issues
  13. Awareness raising
  14. Business, taxation and Finance
  15. Supply-Chain Management Issues In The Oil And Gas Industry
  16. Transport, Logistics and Shipping
  17. Software Engineering
  18. Web Application
  19. Expert System
  20. Pattern Recognition
  21. Risk Management
  22. Intelligent System
  23. Network and Security
  24. Sistem Informasi Geografis
  25. Industrial Engineering
  26. Customer Relationship Management
  27. Geoscience/Geoinformatics
  28. Supply Chain Management
  29. Dan semua tema yang berkaitan dengan Teknik & manajemen Industri


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Vol 17, No 1 (2024): ISSN 1693-2102

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