Pemanfaatan Pekarangan dan Pengembangan Usaha Olahan ‘Miracle-Plant’ Kelor di Dusun Kelor Lor, Tanjungsari, Kemadang, Gunungkidul

Istiana Rahatmawati, Tuti Setyaningrum, Sari Bahagiarti Kusumayudha, Alfan Abdurrazak, Opseta Bangkit Risma Bakti


The hamlet of Kelor Lor is located in Kemadang Village, Kapanewon Tanjungsari, Gunungkidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Most of the people in the hamlet are farmers, even though the existing land conditions are less fertile, causing the agricultural sector in this area to be not optimal. On the other hand, the yard of the Kelor Lor community, which is generally quite large, has not been used properly. In fact, if managed properly, it can provide great benefits, for example for the cultivation of Moringa plants, according to the name of the hamlet. As is known, Moringa is a plant that has many benefits. Therefore, it is necessary to do community service related to the use of yards for the development of moringa processed businesses. This activity aims to assist the community in increasing knowledge, cultivation, utilization, and business development of Moringa plant processing which in turn is expected to improve the welfare of the community. The problem raised is that the hamlet of Kelor Lor has enormous potential but has not been fully utilized. The methods used are socialization, understanding improvement, training, mentoring, and practice with competent resource persons

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