The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Waste Classification as an Effort In Plastic Waste Management

Latifah Listyalina, Ratri Retno Utami, Uma Fadzilia Arifin, Naimah Putri


Purpose: Sorting waste before it is deposited in the Final Disposal Site (TPA) is crucial to reduce the increasing amount of waste accumulation each year. This issue can be addressed by implementing machines capable of automatically sorting waste.
Design/methodology/approach: This research is quantitative and utilizes secondary data, namely image data of various types of waste. The images will be classified into organic and inorganic waste using a deep learning model. The measurement conducted involves assessing the accuracy of the designed deep learning model in classifying waste images into appropriate categories.
Fondings/results: Based on the available dataset, waste identification will be performed, including food waste, paper, wood, leaves, electronic waste, metal, plastic, and bottles. The overall accuracy of the model is 94.42%, indicating that the model correctly classifies 94.42% of waste samples.
Originality/value/state of the art: This research can classify 8 types of waste classes successfully using deep learning.


deep learning; waste; identification

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