Perancangan E-Government Pelayanan Pengaduan Dan Penyelesaian Sengketa Lingkungan di Era Kebiasaan Baru Pada Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Makassar

Asmah Akhriana, Faizal Faizal, Andi Irmayana


At the Environmental Service, there is a PPLH Arrangement and Compliance Division. One of the environmental dispute reporting services is a dispute between two or more parties arising from activities that have the potential and or have an impact on the environment. The environmental complaint and dispute resolution service at the Makassar City Environmental Service have guidelines for verifying disputes involving many aspects of activities and data collection. The background of the research is the community's obstacles in quick access to reporting complaints due to allegations of pollution and or environmental destruction. Another problem is that the Department of the Environment still needs to prepare a verification plan for environmental disputes involving the reporter and related agencies. The impact of the pandemic that cities and even countries have felt makes the problem even more complicated. The research objective is to design an E-Government application for Complaints and Environmental Dispute Resolution Services that can be accessed by the public anytime and anywhere, especially in the era of new habits. The waterfall's system development method starts from system engineering, needs analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. Black box testing method for functional testing. The programming language used is the PHP programming language in building environmental dispute verification media and Android-based applications as a complaint medium. The results of this study are that this application can be a medium so that complaints become easier and can neatly document the dispute resolution process.


E-Government, Web, Sengketa Lingkungan, Android

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