Optimasi Intermittent Gas lift Pada Sumur AB-1 Lapangan Brownfield

Mia Ferian Helmy


Gas lift is one of the artificial lift method that has mechanism to decrease the flowing pressure gradient in the pipe or relieving the fluid column inside the tubing by injecting amount of gas into the annulus between casing and tubing. The volume of  injected gas was inversely proportional to decreasing of  flowing  pressure gradient, the more volume of gas injected the smaller the pressure gradient. Increasing flowrate is expected by decreasing pressure gradient, but it does not always obtained when the well is in optimum condition. The increasing of flow rate will not occured even though the volume of injected gas is abundant. Therefore, the precisely design of gas lift included amount of cycle, gas injection volume and oil recovery estimation is needed. At the begining well AB-1 using artificial lift method that was continuos gas lift with PI value assumption about 0.5 STB/D/psi. Along with decreasing of production flow rate dan availability of the gas injection in brownfield, so this well must be analyze to determined the appropriate production method under current well condition. 

There are two types of gas lift method, continuous and intermittent gas lift. Each type of gas lift has different optimal condition to increase the production rate. The optimum conditions of continuous gaslift are high productivity 0.5 STB/D/psi and minimum production rate 100 BFPD. Otherwise, the intermittent gas lift has limitations PI and production rate which is lower than continuous gas lift.

The results of the analysis are Well AB-1 has production rate gain amount 20.75 BFPD from 23 BFPD became 43.75 BFPD with injected gas volume 200 MSCFPD and total cycle 13 cycle/day. This intermittent gas lift design affected gas injection volume efficiency amount 32%.


Intermittent Gas lift; Optimasi Produksi; Inflow Performance Relationship; Gas injection volume;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31315/jmel.v2i1.2182

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.31315/jmel.v2i1.2182.g2035


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Jurnal Mineral, Energi, dan Lingkungan

Published By: Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta

Addres: Jl. Padjajaran Jl. Ring Road Utara No.104, Ngropoh, Condongcatur, Sleman, Yogyakarta

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