Pemanfaatan Lumpur Hasil Samping IPAL Pabrik Pasta Gigi Sebagai Bahan Baku Batako Dalam Upaya Reduksi Limbah

Dwi Ratri Mitha Isnadina, Raih Panji Sampoerna, Nita Citrasari


This research were aimed to know the best variation as brick raw materials according to SNI 03-0349-1989 about  Concrete Brick for Wall Pairs and to know Pb concentration in leachate from raw material mixture and from stabilization-solidification product. Sludge from Wastewater Treatment Plant’s Toothpaste Factory was used as a substitution of Portland cement which was varied to 10%, 30% and 50% of Portland cement. Batako were tested by external views and physical requirements according to SNI 03-0349-1989. Raw material and product of brick were analyzed by TCLP for Pb metal using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric method. The selected sample variation as a large hollow brick material based on SNI 03-0349-1989 is 30% of sludge substituting Portland cement with grade II quality. The concentration of Pb in leachate of brick raw material for each variation was 0.84 mg / L; 0.95 mg / L; and 1.02 mg / L. While the concentration of Pb in the leachate of brick for each variation was 0.40 mg / L; 0.45 mg / L; and 0.49 mg / L.


brick; Pb; sludge; stabilization-solidification

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Jurnal Mineral, Energi, dan Lingkungan

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