The Effect of Training and Career Development on Employee Performance Moderated by Family Support at Bank KLM Jepara Branch Office

Andri Rupasampana Putra, Purbudi Wahyuni


This research aims to analyze the effect of training and career development on employee performance which is moderated by family support at Bank KLM Jepara Branch Office. This research is descriptive research with quantitative methods. The research subject is employees of Bank KLM (not the real name) Jepara with a population of 218 employees and is based on calculations. Slovin determined 141 employees as samples by taking samples using non-probability sampling. This research uses two independent variables, namely training and career development, which influence the dependent variable, namely employee performance, moderated by family support. The research results show that there is a significant relationship between training and employee performance as well as career development and employee performance. Meanwhile, the moderating variable, namely family support, does not strengthen the relationship between training and performance and also does not strengthen or weaken career development on employee performance. The family support variable significantly influences employee performance.

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