PT At Taqwa Sejahtera has implemented of residential development that duration about 152day. Due to delay in the supply of primary raw materials, the processing time getting longer or not accordance to planning schedule on October 27, 2017. The project delay have impact on the company which will given punishment.
The aim of this study research to the evaluate the project implementation schedule and project scheduling for more optimal time, with the best probability, and minimize the influence of the causes of delays to the project completion time. Project schedulingprocessing is done by using Program Evaluation Review and Technique (PERT) and implementation with Monte Carlo simulation using Ms Excel software.
Based on data processing, thecalculation of the project point accelerated time to 147 days with costRp 417.315.909,25 and probability of 63%, whereas with the application of Monte Carlo simulus the average conviction rate is at 156 days with cost Rp 402,310,654.25 and probability of 94%.
The residential project, Project scheduling, Evaluation Review and Technique (PERT), Monte Carlo simulation.