The Forty-year History of Revenue Management: Bibliometric Analysis

Yun Prihantina Mulyani


This paper presents research trends, leading publishers, influential articles, and shifting concerns in the field of Revenue Management for over forty years based on bibliometric analysis. Bibliometric data was retrieved from Web of Science core collection with a well-defined strategy. The data was processed using Network Analysis Interface for Literature Studies Project scripts. Subject-wise and year-wise research trends were presented. The shifting concerns in RM in terms of topic, method, and domain were highlighted using keyword analysis. In general, RM showed an increasing number of published papers with exponential manner every year. The research core in RM covered the three major decisions in RM including pricing, quantity control, and structural decision. It was highlighted that RM’s concern has shifted from single-firm decision to be more consumer- and competition-centric. The data showed that the needs of empirical study and more advanced quantitative methods for complex and real-time problems were urged. In addition, the adoption of RM was extended for industries with semi-flexible capacity. The top influential publishers were Decision Sciences, Operations Research, Management Science, and Management Science Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.


revenue management; review; citation network; keyword analysis

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