Analysis of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Application Using Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Six Big Losses on Disamatic Machine PT. XYZ
PT. XYZ is a manufacturing company which engages in Defense and Commercial. One of the machines used is a disamatic machine which is a machine that produces shoulder components for railway tools. This machine is an old machine, so that problems that arose on the production floor were often caused by the cessation of the process on the production floor due to machines stuck, machines damaged, or machines not running properly so that it can reduce the machines productivity. The method used in analyzing this problem is by calculating the value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Six Big Losses to identify the performance of industrial machines. From the results of data processing, the OEE value owned by PT. XYZ is 61.94%. This value is still below the ideal value standard set by JIPM, which is 85%. The factor which influenced the lower OEE value was the low-efficiency performance, which is 68.29%. Based on the calculation of Six Big Losses, the most dominant loss causing a decrease in machine effectiveness was reduce speed losses, which is 42.38%. This factor was analysed by Pareto and fishbone diagram. The result of this study can be useful for the company to increase their productivity which will increase their profits.
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