The Design of Peanut Washer Machine to Ease and Speed Up the Washing Time of Peanut in UKM Arjuna
In Tegal Asri RT 02 RW 03 Karanganyar, there are small and medium enterprises engaged in the business of producing roasted peanut shells.The production process is still done manually, so it can not meet the targeted production capacity.The purpose of the activity of designing and implementing a peanut washing machine is to increase the capacity of washing beans and save time. Before designing and implementing a peanut washing machine, it takes 75 minutes to wash 50 kg of peanuts. The results of the design of the tool and after application, the peanut washing process can produce 50 kg of clean beans with a total time of 20 minutes so that it can save 55 minutes of washing 50 kg of beans.
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